The chief therapist is a professional who initiates program development, service provision to the clients and training of the community workers. He/She has the following duties and responsibilities:
- Guides and oversees the planning, development, implementation and evaluation of the rehabilitation and educational programs (free therapy and special education services both in the centers and home visits) under Project TEACH.
- Act as a liaison officer between the center and the supporting organizations.
- Conducts regular meetings with the parties and organizations involved to impart the status and the development of the program.
- Coordinates with interested organizations willing to support the program.
- Draft a letter of acknowledgement when the center receives donations.
- Provides orientation to the organizations and the CREW/volunteers about the program.
- Plans and implements meaningful learning experiences such as seminars and workshops to improve the CREW/volunteer’s confidence and competence.
- Organizes the physical set-up of the center for adequate service provision.
- Coordinates with the CREW/volunteers and the other professionals regarding required materials and supplies.
- Recommends required materials, equipment, supplies and furniture to the Program Directors and other partner agencies, and oversees acquisition of these.
- Oversees regular inventory of therapy materials, equipment, supplies and furniture.
- Monitors the use of client files. Keeps all administrative files in order and makes sure all folders are labeled accordingly.
- Oversees organization of service, administrative and training files.
- Provides orientation to CREW/volunteers regarding housekeeping matters at the center.
- Ensures the availability of required forms.
- Receives and records all donations given by donors and supporting organizations.
- Records finances of the center and creates a financial statement, as required.
- Ensures that all clients are scheduled accordingly and is attended by the assigned CREW/volunteer.
- Creates a service schedule for patients and the assigned CREW/volunteer in coordination with the other professionals.